Students see dreams at a young age. Dr Abdul Kalam rightly said that a professional’s dream transforms into thoughts, and thoughts give the expected results. Dreaming is the first step towards success. The direction and growth of a student’s knowledge start after the 12th standard. RR Academy believes in catching the students at a young age. The young age is full of grasping power and dreams. If we train the mind in this age, it is easy to accept the knowledge. Students transform themselves into professionals at this right age. A blog is here that explains to the readers the comfort of attending RR Academy class after 12th standard and opportunities for commerce students, art students and chartered accountants. Chartered accountants stand first in professional growth and opportunities. The real-time data and recent news make it easy to explain the point. By checking the job opportunity for a B.Com. B.B.A., M.B.A., and arts graduates get to understand the value of learning chartered accountancy courses. Let us deep dive into the RR Academy programmes, classes and opportunities for different qualifications.
RR Academy career counselling programs:
RR Academy YouTube channel provides time to time information about professional courses and career guidance. RR Academy also conducts a career counselling program and meets the public to explain the importance of joining professional courses. Every year, the accounting wizard examination reaches thousands of schools. The accounting wizard examination aims to make the student understand the value of professional courses. Students think than CA and MBA are similar courses.
One of the famous quotes from Rattan Tata is that he needs MBAs for operations and chartered accountants to teach MBA professionals. DR APJ Abdul Kalam said that chartered accountants are partners in nation-building. The honourable prime minister said that the signature of CA is more valuable than the signature of the prime minister. If once value is known, we strive hard to preserve the value. Chartered accountancy courses envisage growth and quality standards. Starting at a young age increases the learning and personal growth of the student. The entry point of engineering and medicine is tough to clear. They are highly competitive. The exit point of engineering and medicine is easy to clear. The entry point of chartered accountancy is easy. The exit point of the chartered accountancy course is difficult to clear. The structure and competitive element interpret the value of the course. Attend the career counselling courses of RR Academy to understand the value of professional education.
RR academy classes:
RR Academy classes are at the convenience of the students. Here students from other states also study without knowledge of the regional language. Students with a correspondence course and regular college study here. The timings are as per the college timings. Students from correspondence courses find it easy to learn as the subjects in or B.B.A. are easy to understand after learning professional courses.
Opportunities for art students:
• Arts students get placed in journalism, media and mass communication. Television journalism and digital marketing have wide opportunities these days.
• Arts students also use their creativity in content writing jobs. To attract online customers, organisations employ content writers.
• Arts graduates also shine in video creation jobs. They understand the basics of graphic design. They work as web designers and animation specialists.
• Arts graduates also work in social service organisations. Candidates with a background in public administration have the scope in working as public relations officers and administrative officers.
• Arts graduates work in human resource consultancies as counsellors. They understand the different opportunities and provide career guidance to beginner and experienced-level candidates.
• Arts graduates work in the teaching profession. The Montessori education system helps arts graduates to understand child psychology. International schools employ arts graduates for taking care of kinder garden students.
• Arts graduates work in the BPO sector. These graduates have good communicational skills. They work in BPO and service sectors.
• Arts graduates also write government exams and work in government jobs.
Opportunities for commerce students: graduates work in different financial sectors. They are capable of handling accountancy jobs. They are suitable for accountant jobs. graduates also work in investment banking, human resource consultancies, accounts consultancies, marketing, banking, and capital management. The role of a graduate is explained below. They do monotonous work and not a challenging type of job.
• Accountants record daily transactions, prepare final accounts, manage payroll, prepare BRS, and check the accuracy of financial records.
• Investment bankers communicate with their clients, send emails, project financial markets, prepare offers, provide IPO, and understand the rules regarding mergers and acquisitions.
• Accounts consultants think about the best accounting practices. They take care of the operations and client relationships.
• Management accountants take care of the risk factor, investments, planning, budgeting and decision-making.
Opportunities for chartered accountants:
• Chartered accountants can work as statutory auditors, internal auditors, tax auditors, financial controllers, forensic auditors, treasurers, and management consultants.
• Statutory auditors check the legal requirements of different companies. He approves the financial statements as true and fair.
• Forensic accountants provide the evidence that is accepted in court. He handles legal disputes, fraud, mediations, financial investigations, loss, and damage assessments.
• Internal auditors check the industry rules and internal procedures. He is the one responsible for internal management and compliance.
• The financial controller prepares the final accounts and reports that aid in decision-making. They implement plans and IT tools as per the student’s needs.
Final Words:
Chartered accountants get high salaries than arts and commerce graduates. Apart from salary, the role of a chartered accountant is valued by multiple professionals inside a company. In society, there is great respect for chartered accountants. Graduates are for low-profile jobs and chartered accountants are for high-profile jobs. Pursuing a course that awards value and money separates an individual from a group of people.

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