CA final results of May 2023 released 13,430 students as chartered accountants. The pass percentage for May 2023 is 8.33 per cent. The pass percentage for the 2022 year stands at 11.09. The numbers interpret that the performance is low than the previous term. The November examination has expectations with more pass percentage. The reason for this prediction is that this is the last attempt. The students enrolled in this term find it hard to read the different new syllabi from ICAI again. The students writing November 2023 examination write the old syllabus. Students apply for this examination on August 2023. The new syllabus has negative markings, objective-type questions, and self-paced examinations. The syllabus is hard, and the evaluation mode is also difficult for the students. Students are in the dilemma of old and new syllabi. The students are under pressure to clear the examination with hard work. If the students take another attempt, the conversion, and the coaching fee is higher. Instead of learning a new syllabus, RR Academy advises the students to take a crash course and complete it by this term. The All India Rankers and their success story is an all-time favourite for aspiring students. In this blog, we provide the details of successful students. RR Academy wishes the students pursuing chartered accountancy courses to have a positive attitude towards success.

Details of CA toppers:

The cities of the toppers are Ahmedabad, Chennai and New Delhi. The names of the boys adding value to the course are Jain Akshay Ramesh, Kalpesh Jain G, and Prakhar Varshney. In this term, boys occupy all three positions. CA intermediate toppers are Y Gokul sai sreekar from Hyderabad, Noor Singla from Patiala, and Kavya Sandeep Kothari from Mumbai. The marks of the CA final toppers are as follows: 66, 603 and 574 out of 800. Jain Akshay Ramesh secured 77 per cent, Kalpesh Jain G secured 75.38 per cent, and Prakhar Varshney secured 71.75 per cent. The profound truth about the toppers is that all of them cleared the CA course on the first attempt. The toppers say that the new syllabus is flexible for the students. RR Academy is seeing a rise in the admission of working professionals. The reduction of article ship training and introduction of self-paced examination have attracted many working professionals.  The topper’s assumption is right. The course is reaching more people. This will increase the number of finance professionals in India.  The thoughts and plans of the toppers awaken the professional goal inside the students.

Views of AIR one:

Akshay Jain makes a statement that CA was not his original plan. He thought of pursuing IIM. His wish was to join an integrated management course at IIM. His uncle suggested he pursue a CA course. He then enrolled in the course with Gujarat University and pursued a CA course. His history was an astonishing one. He had secured AIR 17 in the CPT and AIR one at the intermediate level. He says that he put in his effort and waiting for the results. As getting top rank is difficult, he had a dilemma about his results. His idea about the future is to work with the big four firms as consultants. He is not in the plan of starting individual practice as of now. He declares that he studied for 12 to 13 hours per day for the last four months of CA final preparation. Taking breaks is inevitable to have a continuous study plan. His study strategy is that he studies one subject for a whole week and completes the week with a mock test. After the test, he takes a break and relaxes with his family and friends circle. He is interested in watching stand-up comedy and listening to music for refreshment. His father is a business person and his mother is a homemaker. He has a younger brother studying engineering. His success story and study strategy is a commendable one. The students should get the right attitude from their personality.

Views of AIR two:

AIR two says that he started chartered accountancy along with a course at Vivekananda College. AIR two says that his family is his biggest support. During the four months of exam preparation, his family helped in spending full time. They helped him with regular tasks. Support from the family is the biggest asset to get relieved from stress and focus on studies. He further says that he is interested in taxation, consultation, auditing and independent practice.

Views of AIR three:

AIR three prakhar varshey says that his father and elder sister are chartered accountants. The inspiration from the family pushed him towards a chartered accountancy course. He completed his article ship training at BSR and Co LLP. It is an affiliate of KPMG. He wishes to continue his job with the same company. He says he gets good exposure there. He worked with the tax department during training. He is also open to other types of opportunities. He says that his study strategy is not compulsive. He prefers to study with responsibility and not with time limitations. He says that the difficulty level in the examination makes the students responsible.

Final Words:

Chartered accountants with top ranks and high profile is an inspiration to students. Education is not only an inspiration, but it is a unique journey. The study strategy of students differs according to their personalities. One student prefers to study for long hours, and one prefers to study with responsibility. Some are responsible, and some are sportive minded. After completing article ship training, students understand the real challenges of the profession. The difficulty with the CA final level makes the students studious and responsible.

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