The CSR expenses are eligible for claiming tax exemption. The CSR activities are in section 37(1) of the income tax act. The assessed is a domestic company with production units and distribution channels for aerated and non-aerated beverages. The assessed is criticised for six types of issues. The first issue is the disallowance of fees, the second issue is the disallowance of depreciation, the third issue is the disallowance of processing charges, the fourth issue is the disallowance of CSR expenses, and the fifth issue is the disallowance of section 4(a)(a) of the act. The sixth issue is the disallowance of Icebox’s expenses. The fourth issue is about CSR expenses. Here are the activities: the installation of hand pumps, uniforms, and distribution of fees from the list comes under CSR activities. The expenses and the CSR activities were not substantiated. The evidence and conceptual understanding are essential to claim deduction under the head of CSR activities. Recently, the tribunal bench confirmed that the amount spent for the activities is eligible for tax exemption. The blog reveals the different initiatives of coca cola Company for CSR activities.

CSR activities:

The initiatives are related to environmental issues. The Coca-Cola Company focus on water preservation and waste management. The packing of the coco cola product is made up of plastic. This packing creates environmental issues. The solution is with the recycling process. The initiatives of the company reveal the different ways to bring change. The CSR activities are planned according to the recommendations from the United Nations’ sustainability goals.

Coca-Cola Company is not ready to compromise with the bottle packing. The company intend to create a world that refrains from waste. The initiatives from the Coca-Cola Company for waste management are listed under. The moral support of the company are as follows: the bottles are hundred per cent reusable, the size and weight of the bottles are comparatively less and handy, the company collects the used bottles, and they employ waste management workers. The project Prithvi of coca cola collects the waste and syncs with the swacch Bharath plan of India. The company also partners with the United Nations development program. The waste bottles are collected and delivered to the recyclers. Alag karo is the initiative that educates the common man about the segregation of three types of waste.


The fruit circular economy is a project that operates to help farmers. The operations such as saplings, produce, and high-density farming techniques increase productivity. The Unnati mango project implemented in Andra Pradesh increased cultivation. Coca-Cola introduced high-density plantation technologies to reduce the problems from inability, knowledge and modern techniques.

In the company, the water management system brings out the following: facility water vulnerability assessments, facility water protection plans, and understanding the loopholes with reports and usage of water. FWVA check the quantity and quality of bottling plants. Facility water protection plans show the quantity of use and purpose. It also shows the reuse of water. The purpose of collecting information about water management is to treat wastewater properly. The water management system also helps aquatic life.

Benefits of Coca-Cola CSR activities:

Final Words:

CSR activities are helpful to claim the deduction and bring change in society. The waste management, water management and plantation techniques of Coca-Cola Company clearly show the healthy ways to design CSR activities. The CSR activities should reflect the business objective and social issue. The expenses with evidence and change in society get appreciation from the general public.

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