In Rajasthan, there are nine universities and two hundred and fifty colleges. There are fifty-five thousand primary schools and seven thousand four hundred secondary schools. Ajer, Jaipur, Bikaner, Kota, Jodhpur, and Udaipur are the educational hubs in the state. Jodhpur has institutions like IIT, AIIM and Law University. In 2005, the government of Rajasthan announced a scheme called the Anuprati scheme. In 2023, CM Ashok Gehlot started the Anuprati coaching scheme. The launch date was the 5th of June 2021. The scheme was to help students from the following categories: scheduled castes, special backward classes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes and students below the poverty line. Poor students and students from minority communities are offered free education. The scheme offers coaching for competitive exams such as engineering, medical, civil services, IIT, IIM, NIT, Rajasthan civil services, and CPMT. Now, in 2023, the Mukhyamantri Anuprati coaching Yojna 2023 provides free education to chartered accountants, company secretaries and chartered mutual fund counsellors. A blog is here to talk about the government scheme and the need for free education. Finance is the best profession for students from different financial statuses. The reason is that it provides vast opportunities at less cost.

Free education Scheme:

Recently, the Rajasthan government has increased the numbers from 10000 to 15000. Financial professional courses are allowed to utilise this scheme. The students from the reserved category are also interested in the finance sector. So, there should be more opportunities for the reserve students. Every year, the scheme helps around 450 students. The students can apply to this scheme through online application. The eligibility for joining this course is as follows: the aforesaid community, family income less than eight lakhs, resident of Rajasthan, and government employee students with pay-matrix-11. Applicants also enjoy the advantages of tribal areas development, social justice, empowerment departments, and minority affairs.

Free education from ICAI:

ICAI offers LMS based digital learning hub to the students. The platform is providing different types of content through online mode. It helps for learning with comfort. Digital learning has e-journals, courses, certificate courses, virtual coaching classes, webcasts, refresher courses, post-qualification courses, assessments, events, live VCM, and webinars.

Tamil Nadu government scholarships:

Tamil Nadu government also offer scholarships for PhD and research courses. The national council of educational research and Training and the Directorate of collegiate education offer scholarships to students from weaker sections. For school-going children, the Tamil Nadu government recently announced free education. As per the TN RTE admission 2023, every child between six to fourteen years of age is admitted under the free education scheme. Private schools should admit one-fourth of the students from weaker sections. The admission rule is applicable from class one.  Interested students can apply online for this scheme. The students with less income, parents with health issues and ages between three to seven years. The EWS reservation of ten per cent is for economically weaker sections. This scheme from the union government help for families with less income. The students from weaker sections get placement in government institutions like IIT and IIM. Gujarat is the first state that adopted the scheme to the general public.

Why finance profession is the best profession for the weaker section of people?

There is a general thought from the olden days that finance and teaching professions are the best professions for people from economically backward sections. The finance profession is suitable for students from Tamil medium backgrounds. Initially, students need to understand the subject, and later they equip themselves with communication skills. The skills needed for a finance profession in 2023 are as follows: accounting knowledge, mathematics, technical knowledge, analytical skills and business intelligence. Business intelligence comes from experience. The other four skills require subject knowledge. RR Academy trains the students with the required skills. The students find it easy to take up the article ship training. The reason is that the students gain communication and people skills during their initial period.

The following points explain the benefits of free education for weaker section of people:


The top finance roles in 2023 are as follows: senior accountant, financial advisor, hedge fund manager, investment banker, information technology auditor, financial analyst, equity analyst, chief compliance officer, and chief risk officer. Students from medical and technical backgrounds prefer to work in foreign countries. The reason is the advancement and research opportunities. The students from finance backgrounds serve for the country as auditors, cost accountants and government officers. They contribute their part to the economic development of the country. Free education at the school, and professional level creates an educated population with patriotic nature.

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