CMA and ACS courses have theory parts and case studies that examine the toughest. Laws, ethics, and Governance and corporate laws and compliance are the two subjects in CMA with case studies. Jurisprudence, interpretation and General laws, Company law, securities laws and capital markets, economic, business and commercial laws, governance, risk management, compliances and ethics, secretaries audit, compliance management and due diligence, resolution of corporate disputes, non-compliances and remedies, corporate restructuring, insolvency, liquidation and winding-up, corporate funding and listings in stock exchanges, multidisciplinary case studies, and elective one are the papers with a case study in Company secretary course. The elective option is from banking, insurance, intellectual property rights, direct tax law and practice, valuation and business modelling, labour laws and practice, forensic audit, and insolvency law and practice. The subjective question paper and open book examination have case studies. Company law case studies for CA/CS and CMA is picked from the latest news and cases that require the application of knowledge. This blog focus on presenting wise ideas for writing subjects with case studies.

How to write case studies in the CMA examination?
During the inception time, cost accounting is used for managing the “price mechanism”. The demand and supply ratio requires balance. Government balance the costs in core industries like sugar, cement, textiles, formulations, Vanaspati and automobiles. Competition, pricing and transfer pricing have an impact on foreign trade. Cost audits help Indian companies to compete with global Companies.
By understanding the objectives of the Cost audit, students understand the important points in the case study. To make the global measures understandable, we discuss the case study of Toshiba. The Toshiba Company reported an accounting scandal of $1.2 billion overstated. The Company reported operating profits with improper accounting standards over seven years. The internal auditors advised the Company to focus on corporate governance, and eliminate creating pressure for increasing profits. In the year 2008, the financial crisis brought the scandal of Toshiba to light. The team of experts advised the company to follow strong corporate governance. Bear in mind the importance of corporate governance among the world countries when writing the Cost accountancy exam. Write the case study with the objectives of the study and the way it answers the major problem. This approach helps the industries with the same conglomerate benefit from the study.

How to write case studies in ACS examination?
How to pass the ACS exam on your first attempt? And How to present case studies in Exams? Are the questions which bother students? The provision and the application of the provision is the tactic that learners derive from the case study in the Company secretary course. As like Cost audit is associated with global problems, a secretarial audit is associated with compliance risk factors. Write the section and famous case to emphasise the point which makes sense. If the section is difficult to remember, write the case study alone with bulletin points. By writing in points, the learner understands the flow of language. The examiner expects the student to understand the fact in the case and the provision associated with the case. The thought process of students differs as per the case. So, provide a conclusion as per individual thought process. This presentation makes the reading interesting and impresses the examiner. Give concluding points with an understanding of the subject.

The case study of ICICI Bank and Videocon explains the conflict of interest. The loan process was unofficial, and it affected the corporate reputation of ICICI bank. The business of a bank depends upon trust. ICICI states that it is a consortium loan. The panacea to corporate problems is to increase transparency and quality. The case study educates the learners to understand the impact of transactions with the stocks and business of the organization. Banks follow the corporate governance in terms associated with board oversight, internal control, risk management and other processes. The role of the Chief executive officer working in banks is getting elevated day by day. Corporate governance in Banks considers the day to day operations, corporate objectives, the interest of stakeholders, and applying the law to safeguard the interest of the depositors. The credit risk of the bank has its influence on the board size, attendance of the board members and the shareholder’s interest. Corporate governance has an impact on the decisions of the bank and the provisions of the loan.

Final Words:
Different persons with different knowledge bases do the internal audits, secretarial audits and statutory audits in Companies. Statutory audit and secretarial audit are the external part of the Company. Cost audit is the internal part of The Company. So, when writing a case study, think about the internal and external people associated with it. The case study conducted for cost accounting is to educate the board members. Similarly, the case study conducted by Company secretaries is to educate the stakeholders about the fairness of the corporate culture in the Company. The objective of the study lays the difference in the presentation of the content. Competition and accuracy are the parameters that work behind the cost audit and secretarial audit. The purpose of the case study better explains the way it has to be executed in the companies. If you are searching for Company law case studies with solutions, place an enquiry to RR Academy to understand the case studies with a practical approach.

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