The December 2022 results say that the pass percentage of CS stands as 8 to 24 per cent. ICSI had organised a conference for teachers and professors to contribute their thoughts about the education system. In 2021, UGC approved the company secretaryship course as equivalent to post-graduation. This approval is good to join the PhD courses and the teaching profession for company secretaries. A blog is written to understand the technological advancement, life skills, and training of educators. The celebration of teacher’s week empowers the teachers and takes the ideologies of the experts for teaching. ICSI organised the same event in 2020 and 2021. The viewers registered online and got back the e-certificate. The program engaged the viewers with a virtual platform. The place for the conference is regional and chapter offices.
Events from ICSI:
In September 2022, ICSI celebrates orientation programs and placement programs. In 2021, teacher’s week was celebrated in Bangalore. The teacher’s week for 2022 was organised at Gurugram.
Who are eligible to attend this conference?
School teachers, college professors and law professors are eligible to attend this conference. The digital age and corporate governance is the common topic. So, teachers talk about this topic. Networking is the subject that empowers the faculties to understand the commercial world. Let us see about the advantages of doing the company secretaryship course after twelfth and life skills development. ACS course has two routes. One is after the twelfth standard, and the other is after graduation. The foundation exam is changed as the CSEET examination. In this examination, students learn about business communication, legal aptitude and logical reasoning, current affairs, and the economic and business environment. Legal aptitude and reasoning subjects introduce the students to the different roles of a company secretary. Legal problems help the students to understand the value of technology, and promote good corporate governance. Learning at a young age, and keeping updated with the technology and global market promotes the legal environment. During this conference, the teachers and professors provide valuable insights into the knowledge and technological advancement of the company secretaries. The benefits of learning ACS course after the twelfth standard are listed below:
• Students understand the case studies from different periods and acquire legal reasoning.
• Students understand the judgements of the Supreme Court and the high court.
• They understand the fundamental rights of the Indian constitution and differentiate Indian law from the global system. Acquiring knowledge about fundamental rights also helps to understand the amendments and controversies.
• It also educates the students about business ethics. Acquiring this knowledge after completing school will make them knowledgeable people. It is easy to apply ethics in real-time and understand.
• By taking article ship training after executive level examination, students find it easy to understand the real-time challenges in corporate governance.
Expert speech:
CS Shikha Sharma is the company secretary from Gurgaon technology park Ltd., She spoke about the amendments to the companies act, 2013. MS. Madhu Sharma is the corporate trainer. She talks about the skills required for the twenty-first century. CS Shiksha Sharma is the company secretary for the public enterprise under the finance department, of the government of Haryana. She also presented her speech at the woman’s day celebration. She spoke about educational awareness and gender equality.
Recent amendments in Companies act, 2013:
• The amendments that take part after April 2022 are as follows:
• The registers regarding section 88 and section 92 of the companies act should be available for inspection. The time given to the companies on any working day is two hours after the information.
• The fee payment is by the debenture holder, security holder or member. There is an option for non-payment of the fee also. This is as per the articles of association.
• The personal details of the register or return are not necessary to be made available for inspection. The address, e-mail ID, PAN number and unique identification number are the particulars mentioned in sub-rules one and two.
• The incorporation amendments turn into the as practical part from 2022.
• The government approval that comes under the regulation of FEMA is included in the e-form No. INC-9.
• FEMA stands for foreign exchange management rules. The checkboxes for the government approval for non-debt instruments are included in the checkboxes.
• The government approval is to check the security clearance.
• The provisions included in the incorporation of a company is that the companies that are incorporated as Nidhi need to get the declaration from the central government.
• The amendment related to the debentures and share capital is that the certification of approval is not necessary for the transferee.
• The declaration regarding the government approval for the transfer of shares is included in form no SH-4.
• The companies that want to conduct the annual general meeting before 31st, December can do so through audio-visual means and video conferences. The timeline to conduct the meeting should be followed. The provision is not for the extension of time, further MCA clarifies.
• The changes are made to amalgamations, compromises and arrangements.
• Amendments were made to the allotment of securities and prospectus.
• Amendment regarding the Removal of the company’s name from the register.
• Amendments were made to the appointment of directors.
• The companies that fall under non-compliance with national financial reporting authority amendment rules need to pay the new penalty or get punishment as per the contraventions.
Life skills for company secretaries:
Company secretaries undergo the EDP program for one month and twenty-one months of practical training. This training imparts practical knowledge to the students. Let us see the life skills required for company secretaries.
• Company secretaries require communication skills to communicate in board meetings. They also talk to the regulators and other authorities regarding clarification of corporate governance.
• Company secretaries require legal reasoning and general knowledge. Bookish knowledge is not sufficient for their profession. They need to read the newspaper and keep them updated.
• Company secretaries decide about the technology suitable for the employees and business. They need technical knowledge.
• Company secretaries need customer servicing skills. This life skill will strengthen the relationship.
• Company secretaries need to have average knowledge of financial analysis. This knowledge helps in understanding the documents better.
Bottom Line:
The conference organised by ICSI is to understand the role of educators in catching the students at a young age, enhancing their life skills and understanding the latest amendments to company law, 2013.

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