CA/CMA and ACS are professional courses that focus on different aspects. CA course is to audit the accounts and provide the audit report. Cost accountant takes care of the finance with competency factor. Company secretaries take care of the legal aspects of the company. M.Com is a post-graduation course that is suitable for entry-level positions and those who are looking for a banking job. The subject and the job opportunities are different but the fundamental knowledge of all these courses are the same.

UGC had recently joined all the thread and created a pathway that those who complete the professional courses CA/CMA and ACS are equivalent to degree. This is to connect the courses and generate interest over the fundamentals of the finance subject. Let me shed light on this topic further to understand the uniqueness and the demand for e-content to handle e-learning. For higher education like and professional courses like CA/CMA and ACS, there is demand for different types of e-content to engage the students.

What are the benefits of completing multiple courses?

Pursuing different courses related to the multiple facets of the profession opens the way to different opportunities. The effort and interest are the questions that require individual answers. If the article ship training is planned as per the requirement of CA and CMA then it is easy to do both the courses with a single article ship period. Previously the difference between and chartered accountancy course is four to five papers extra. The recent announcement of UGC states that CA/CMA and ACS qualification is equivalent to So, rather than holding multiple degrees, it is wise to think about the professional requirement.As a part of knowledge enhancement, multiple courses help for better decision-making. degree is available with different forms like information technology, finance, marketing, international business, supply chain management, and human resource management. These branches are to satisfy the multiple job roles. All this fundamental knowledge enhances the passion over the different professions. The salary of and CA at the entry point goes like 6, 07,500 and 8, 00,000. The difference with monetary benefit is less at the entry point but with less experience, chartered accountants reach the high-level position.

Demand for content development in the finance

Financial content development is essential for educating the customer about the financial product and educating the professionals about ongoing changes in finance. Financial organizations encourage e-learning as it opens the door to understand the customers and board members. Finance knowledge is not static and it requires frequently updated knowledge. So, for completing the course and to pursue the job finance professionals need regular learning. Classroom-based subjects need instructors, books, and lesson plans. Job-oriented studies and professional courses are different as the former is not formal learning but the latter is formal learning. E-learning is a matter of survival in the finance industry. So, getting adapting to e-learning at a young age enhances the knowledge and aids for better decision-making skills to the employees.

The goal behind corporate training is knowledge transfer. Corporate training is provided through e-learning to reduce costs. Corporate e-learning is business based but educational learning is subject-based. Academic learning is now enhancing online e-learning and incorporating corporate-level challenges in the classroom. In the current pandemic situation, the corporate sector and education sector are struggling to provide the best content to promote the subject and business. So, the announcement of UGC about and other professional courses CA/CMA/ACS help to create more e-learning platforms and content. Finance content is the need of the hour for the corporate world and academic world.


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