Company secretary ship is the course which suits the candidate who wants to work as an in-house lawyer. There are popular Company secretary companies in Mumbai such as Snehalaansodariya, JeetendraRangnani, PayalDaga, Avinashsharma, and Chakdahpurbachal company secretary. Big companies like Deloitte, E&Y, PwC, and KPMG look for a variety of skills. They hire company secretaries whilst other professionals like Chartered accountants and cost accountants. It is perceived in general from the job industry that there is a high vacancy for company secretaries in Mumbai.
He or she works as the point of contact and coordinator for the board meetings, preparing Notices, Agenda, and minutes. Having a company secretary is essential as per the company law. But they are not experts in tax or finance. They are the legal representatives who look into the law matters. Let me see the number of passed-outs and vacancies in tier-one cities like Mumbai for company secretaries.
Company secretary course demand in Mumbai
One of the interviews of a successful company secretary, states that companies act is the reason for the demand of the company secretaries. In a scenario where the provision of companies acts the job of company secretaries become obsolete. So, additional qualifications like a law degree or CA works potentially for the company secretaries. Another interview from a successful company secretary says that company secretaries add value to statutory protection. So, there are companies who appoint company secretaries not for the company law but for the protection that they want.
Company secretaries maintain books and conduct meetings. Apart from this, they give ideas regarding the acquisition of business and mergers which is essential for the managerial decision. The legal cost, business analysis, and strategies for a smooth relationship also come from the company secretaries. There are other countries CS as ICSA from the UK and they give exemptions to Indian company secretary holders. This is another career path for the company secretaries who are looking for international opportunities. Coming to the core argument point, there are huge opportunities for company secretaries in Mumbai as there are many registered companies and listed companies.
The popular books apart from the primary books of ICSI are Company law written by CS Rajish Kumar, CS Anoop Jain is another author for Company secretary course, and Economic and commercial laws by taxmann. Mumbai students have a high interest in journalism and law. The demand for ACS courses is also high as it is the financial capital of India. In the future also there will be a huge India jobs opportunity for the company secretaries in developed countries as it is a noble profession.
Company secretary professional’s salary in Mumbai
The profile of the company secretary is not like the other profiles like financial analyst or software engineer which is intriguing from the very name. Some think that the company secretaries take care of administrative activities and relate the work with secretary work. A person in a low job profile does not know that company secretaries take care of secretarial audits and secretarial works. But in Tier one city like Bangalore and Mumbai Company secretaries earn a good salary of fifteen to eighteen lakhs. The role of a company secretary is also suitable for due diligence, credit rating, indirect tax, investment banking, and venture capital. The market expectation is changing as the business environment is changing. Core areas and other functional areas create better opportunities for the company secretary students.
India has a demand for 50,000 company secretaries in the year 2021. There is a comparable increase in the pass percentage as per the student enrolment. There is a spike of seventy percentages in student enrolment. Companies listed in the stock exchange and the industrial sector need a company secretary. So, the future of the company secretary is high with these valuable insights. Company secretary professionals are among the board members and also they can hold the CEO position. As Job India shows that Company secretaries have the skills of CEO they deal with international markets, global perspective, mundane tasks, fillings, latest technologies, writing minutes, scalability, cost management, handling board members, and senior management. The position of CEO demands human resource management and planning the marketing strategies which come only by experience to the company secretary professionals. CEO and company secretary are different roles with senior-level management. Both have honorable responsibilities.