CSEET is a new examination for the CS foundation and the CS Foundation exam is dropped out as a name for ACS students. The subjects with the new exam name are Business communication, current affairs, Legal Aptitude, and logical reasoning, economic and business environment. Previously for CS foundation, the students prepare for the subjects such as Entrepreneurship and business environment business economics, business communication, ethics and management, fundamentals of auditing and accounting. This blog outlines the value of new subjects added to the CSEET course.
What is the difference between CSEET and CS foundation?
ICSI had replaced the CS foundation with the CSEET exam. The first set of students for this CSEET examination write their exams in 2022 August month. The introduction of current affairs at the foundation level enhances the market knowledge of the students. Business communication and economics were there in the old pattern of the CS foundation. Instead of auditing fundamentals, students take logical reasoning and legal aptitude. Legal knowledge and legal reasoning are two levels of intelligence. Learning legal reasoning as a first-level subject enhances the core knowledge of the company secretaries. As new subjects let me throw light over legal reasoning and current affairs and see how it helps for the students to outsmart the old professionals.
Legal reasoning
For law students, the bar council had recommended 35 hours of mediation education. For legal professionals, it is essential to know the commercial court’s act, regulatory, and process knowledge. From the year 2020-21, the subject mediation is included in the legal sector. As per one of the reports from Forbes, legal companies around the globe have started using artificial intelligence for understanding the best argument for litigation. So, the disputes whether commercially or personally require reasoning, arguments, decisions, data, and facts.
Especially in times of pandemics, logical reasoning reduces the flow of cases as there are fewer court gatherings. Legal reasoning subject is not about the cut and paste of information. It understands the ground of problems with reality. So, this knowledge is essential for law students and company secretaries. As per the Times of India News on April 28, 2021, ICSI had entered into MOU with Chanakya National Law University. This is to bring enhancement to the resources, training, faculty development, and research to the academic collaboration. As per the guidelines of the national education policy, 2020 the academic collaborations improve the competition and research in the professional courses.
Current affairs
Current affairs provide knowledge about the country, state, and region. Newspapers, social media, economists, and authors enhance the awareness of general knowledge. Further current affairs can be divided as economic, political, finance, and business. ICSI conducts an online quiz on current affairs. This is for three rounds. The pattern of the quiz competition is MCQ. Devices like laptops, desktops, mobiles, and tablets can be used for taking online exams. The students are divided as per their qualification as 11th and 12th students and under graduation or post-graduation students. This quiz is like a trial before joining the CSEET examination. So, this online quiz is not applicable for employees of ICSI and students of ICSI.
Bottom line
The memorandum of association is the document that describes the functions of the organization and the guidelines of the organization. Every listed company needs to do the secretarial audit with the company secretary. As he has intense knowledge about the court of law matters, he explains the rights of the company to the board members.
Company secretaries hold an authoritative position in the companies. A higher position in management is the ultimate goal of commerce education. This higher position comes in the early stage of the career of a company secretary. The company secretaries deal with domain experts and legal experts. They learn from their experience and knowledge. So, a company secretary must keep updated about the current affairs and satisfy the client with legal reasoning.