The accounting wizard examination is conducted to evaluate the 12th-standard students. These exam questions are in the MCQ pattern. CA foundation includes both objective and subjective questions. CA is a professional course that evaluates the student’s professional skills. Accounting wizard is to understand the fundamental knowledge of the student. RR Academy provides scholarships after the accounting wizard examination. Eighty per cent of the accounting wizard examination is the same as like 12th standard syllabus. It opens the opportunity to poor students. It makes the dream of the learners come true. The blog creates the edge to understand the merits of writing an accounting wizard examination.
The brief points that value the accounting wizard examination are as follows: the same syllabus of 12th standard help to gain more marks in plus two examinations, it provides the fundamental knowledge to the other competitive exams, it helps for completing the professional course in the right age, and it offers scholarship and discount to the students. All these merits are discussed in the following weeks with a detailed picture to make the young minds understand. Series one is about the scholarship and discount. Series two talks about writing competitive exams after the accounting wizard examination. The third series is about the 12th standard exam preparation. The fourth series is about the completion of the professional course at the right age. The first series provides insight into the advantages of writing an accounting wizard examination for the 12th standard syllabus.
12th syllabus and question paper pattern:
Commerce students learn accountancy, business studies, economics and mathematics. Accountancy, economics and business studies are new subjects to the students. The syllabus in accountancy is as follows: recording of a business transaction, depreciation, reserves, provisions, BRS, the rectification of errors, trial balance, financial accounting and project work. In Business studies, students learn about the following topics: evolution and fundamentals of business, business services, public, private and global enterprises, forms of business organizations, business services, social responsibility of business, business ethics, emerging modes of business, sources of business finance, internal trade, small business and enterprises, and international trade. In economics, students learn about the collection, organisation and presentation of data, statistical tools and interpretation, national income and related aggregates, and determination of income and employment.
In mathematics, the syllabus is calculus, vectors and three-dimensional geometry, and probability. The syllabus provides basic knowledge and prepares the student for high-level thinking. The question paper is with the subjective and objective models. The commerce stream prepares the students for professional courses such as CA, CMA, ACS and MBA.
Accounting wizard examination and question paper pattern:
The accounting wizard examination is for the central and state board. It has objective-type questions. In the accounting wizard examination, there is no negative marking. This examination is to evaluate the fundamental knowledge of the students. Business studies, accountancy, and economics are the major subjects in the accounting wizard examination. The commerce wizard examination of ICAI is available on the website. This examination is for the tenth standard, eleventh standard and twelfth standard. The knowledge at different levels is gauged with the aptitude test and fundamental knowledge. The question paper is objective type. The preparation for this examination is zero time. The syllabus is the same as the 12th standard. The difficulty level of the question paper is comparatively high.
The commerce wizard examination from ICAI provides scholarships for the studies. The accounting wizard examination is online mode. The 2023 examination is underway. Check the website to attend the examination. The accounting wizard examination is towards the end of December. The examination result guides the students to admissions. The accounting wizard for the 12th standard students has four subjects such as business studies, economics, aptitude and accountancy. The accounting wizard examination of the graduate student also has the same four subjects.
Model questions from the accounting wizard examination:
Here are some model questions to motivate the students. The subjects covered are business studies, aptitude, economics, and accountancy.
A fixed asset is the same for all businesses or it depends upon the business operation?
A. Yes
B. No
The answer is: fixed assets differ as per the operations. The general categories are land, machinery, furniture, vehicles, buildings, computer equipment, and other equipment. Tangible assets, intellectual property, goodwill and patent rights also come under the division of the fixed asset.
The trading account shows the gross profit or net profit
A. Gross profit
B. Net profit
C. Both gross profit and net profit.
The answer is: Trading account shows the Gross profit. The profit and loss account includes the administrative expenses and finds the net profit. Gross profit includes the cost of production and sales. Cost is related to production. Net profit deducts the other business expenses. Expenses are related to the administration of the business.
Business management is an
A. Art
B. Science
C. Pure science
D. Art and science
The answer is: Business management is an art and science. It is the science of integrating the different departments. It is the art of managing the skills of different people.
The operations in the top management are concerned about:
A. Guidelines
B. Short-term plans
C. Long-term plans
D. Both short-term and long-term plans
The answer is long-term plans. The top management thinks about the plans and strategies for different operations.
The students with practice in the accounting wizard examination understand the questions in the competitive examination. and MBA degrees from the best colleges ask for the entrance examination. The preparation of the basic level concepts helps students gain more marks in the 12th standard. The subjects in the 12th standard commerce are new to the students. So, they need to read it multiple angels to understand the exact purpose of accountancy and law. The accounting wizard examination empowers the competitive knowledge and professional understanding of the commerce subject.

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