In the case of ACS subjects, 80 percent is theory-based, and 20 percent is accounts based. As the subject base is to prepare the student for the company secretary role, there is an interconnection between subjects. CSEET exam is the CS foundation exam. This exam is to start after the 12th standard. The selection of two groups in a single attempt will help to pass the exam with average hard work. The latest amendments to the laws covered in the company secretary have to be revised to get through ACS exam on first attempt.

Good handwriting and legal language improve the presentation of the subject. For the theory-based long answers, divide the content as an introduction, main points, and concluding points. Legal references, facts, decisions, disputes, and justification from good authors make the answers look interesting to the examiner. Cover the full syllabus with institute books and reference books. Prepare the objective type of questions for Cost and tax. Module 1 includes MCQ questions for practical training. Take the case studies as examples of challenges and solve the problems. Take the experience of other people as the best experience to learn. Let me see some valuable points regarding self-study and the new syllabus.

How to do self-study for CSprofessional without coaching?

For any exams like the NET exam, UGC exam, CA exam, ACS exam, and CMA, it is possible to become successful with self-study. The success rate depends upon the planning, study material, online source to get cleared of the doubts and the hard work required.

Here are some of the reviews from Rank holders about the self-study. Go through this as a part of enhancing the self-confidence.

One of the Rank holders, MR.X says that it is from the regular excise of mind to do multi-tasking. And another rank holder Mr.Y says that he studied for long hours, and to manage the boredom, he used the combination of spending time with practical training and theoretical subject. Mr.Z is the rank holder in the ACS exam who declares that self-accountability is the reason behind the success. The plan to do 8 hours of study and putting effort has successfully brought success to him. The success story brings out the truth that planning and dedication were important to become successful.

An example of the study plan for the CS exam 2020 is as follows:

New syllabus of ACS

The new syllabus of ACS is vast and reasonable for the students. The new syllabus had brought the concept of the open book exam. In a challenging business environment, the role of the company secretary is to follow the rules and find the solutions for real life challenges. The responsibility of the company secretary demands the application of knowledge. Finding the procedural remedy is possible only with the application of knowledge. These skills are equipped with an open book exam. The open-book exam is for the five elective subjects such as Banking law and practice, insurance law and practice, capital, commodity and money market, international business-laws and practice, and intellectual property rights – law and practice.

ICSI is offering crash courses for additional qualifications. It is only for the members of ICSI. The lockdown period is the right time to gain additional knowledge. This crash course is available through online mode for 2 to 3 hours. The live webinar from the experts is to enhance the knowledge base of the students. The four crash courses are compliance of securities law; law related to arbitration, IT tools for professionals and intellectual property rights. Reading and re-reading is the first and best method to pass ACS on the first attempt.

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