The student’s struggles are known to others through the college dropout statistics. The brief reasons are financial issues, time constraints, and lack of knowledge, confidence, and learning difficulties. The last metaphor, “learning difficulty” is the subject of this content. Here, the learning difficulty is the distance concerns, technological issues and motivation factors. Famous personalities like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have the tag of college dropouts. Their story says there is no connection between a beginning and a successful ending. Mark Zuckerberg was a dropout from an Ivy League school. He discontinued his studies in 2005. Steve Jobs left Reed College after completing one semester. Bill Gates is from Harvard University. He left Harvard to focus on his business. In the year 1975, he co-founded Microsoft. There is a high difficulty factor in the Engineering degree chartered accountancy and cost accountancy course. These subjects have high dropouts also. Students and professionals chose CMA to work on big projects and participate in managerial decisions.
The blog takes the readers to the real world of the students. The faculties in coaching centres like RR academy, analyse the difficulties to increase the pass percentage year after year. Online coaching solves the problems arising due to distance learning. The students chose direct classes to solve the technological issues. The answer for the motivational factor is counselling. RR Academy believes in the triangular approach. With the company of the parents, the faculties motivate the students. The model tests are helping overcome the fear of failure. Here, the advantages of a mobile app, online classes, counselling and teacher notes are discussed in detail. The new syllabus of CMA and its first examination is on July 2023. The notes of the teachers help the students as there are twenty per cent changes between the old and new syllabuses. The blog is worth reading to know the extended support of RR Academy.
Mobile app:
The mobile app helps conduct online tests and online classes. Distance matters a lot for getting professional coaching to the students. The mobile app help to overcome the difficulties that arise due to distance. RR Academy conducts an accounting wizard for schools in remote areas. The accounting wizard examination for the year 2022 is about to happen. The scholarships and mobile app support help students from rural areas to pursue professional education.
Online classes:
The next advantage is the online classes. Online classes give the flexibility to view with comfort for college-goers and working professionals. We have live classes and recorded classes for online CMA students.
Teacher notes:
The new and the old CMA syllabus have a twenty per cent difference. The new subjects are taught with faculty support in RR Academy. These notes are for the following subjects: operations management and strategic management, corporate and economic laws, financial management and business data analytics, strategic cost management, direct tax laws and international taxation. Students understand the subject with amendments and case studies. Teachers give more examples and detailed analyses of the newly added subjects.
Student counselling is the job that motivates the students and solves the challenges with learning. A student counsellor provides the timetable, checks the leave application, arranges for missed classes, checks the key answers of online examinations, send the key answers to the students and parents, talks to the parents about the student’s mark, and arrange for the extra classes for weak subjects. CMA foundation, intermediate, and final are different. At the foundation level, students have direct communication. They take the teacher’s notes, write exams and ask doubts directly. In the intermediate and final levels, one-to-one attention is important. RR academy has gained a good name for this quality. The counsellors understand the difficulty level and motivate the students with the guidance of the teachers. Confidence and hard work help students to achieve big. The following points illustrate the value of counselling in the journey of the CMA course.
• The accounting wizard examination is the starting point of a student’s journey into RR Academy. At this stage, RR Academy gives individual counselling for the student regarding professional skills and job advancements.
• During the course, students’ evaluation is by marks. The underperforming students are advised with assignments, extra activities, extra classes and extra model examinations. All the students are not the same at the professional level. The qualitative analysis helps equip the students as per the market demand.
• The article ship training is a challenging period. Here the students learn to understand the job roles. CMA students undergo 15 months of practical training. By proper planning the working hours, leave sanctions, and online classes are managed. The counsellors provide the timetable and guide the students with time management.
• Towards the end of the course, students are directed to placement information. The counselling for clearing interviews and choosing the job roles makes the difference. Students gain confidence through model tests and mock interviews. Continuous information on placement is through the official ICMAI portal and other job portals. We provide time-to-time information after searching from the different portals and associated companies.
Final Words:
The series of reasons picturise the problems of the students and working professionals in completing the CMA course. This serial is about to continue with the other four numbers. This content is the first one highlighting the learning difficulties. In general, the advantages are the hidden reason for the student’s success. Students do not know the way to put the challenges in the right way. So, this blog answers the students with learning difficulties due to distance, time concerns, motivation and interest factors. Plan the course with mental preparation and timely challenges. RR academy is happy to produce cost accountants with professional competency.

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