Chartered accountancy firms in India are engaged by small-sized firms, medium-sized firms, Big four companies, and Big ten companies. The problem is the quality of service with the domestic companies and multinational companies vary in terms of competition. MNC companies joining India are operated by the Indian population only. But still, they work under the tag of an international standard, not an Indian standard. So, it is essential to encourage independent CA practitioners and enhance the quality of domestic services in India. This will happen only by producing efficient chartered accountants through complete theoretical and practical chartered accountancy training.

Chartered accountants work as financial consultants and tax consultants. The basic knowledge of audits, taxation process, and accountancy department help the chartered accountants to work efficiently during the article ship training. But CA training final is the advanced level knowledge of the taxation and audit.

Chartered accountants, Company secretaries, cost accountants, retired government officials, advocates, and graduates have eligibility to apply for the GST practitioner registration. GST act over the indirect tax and purchasing power of the general public. But certain price indicators like agricultural products, newspapers, and petroleum products are not covered by GST. A moderate rate of GST would help for the economic growth but the higher rate of GST may cause inflation. As an ardent taxpayer, GST is the subject that interests even the common man. Let us throw light on the knowledge of students before article ship training and after article ship training.

Knowledge before CA Article ship training

Those who have joined CA course through the foundation route need to take article ship training after completing CA intermediate examination. And those who have entered through the direct entry route take the article ship training take up IT training CA and the nine months of practical training before appearing the CA intermediate exam. IT training and orientation program is common to all the students.By raising the question that what makes the difference between bookish knowledge and business knowledge we arrived at some valuable insights.

How article ship training help for CA final examination?

During CA training students take 2.5 years of article ship training and take the CA final classes side by side. SFM, AMA, income tax and FR take four months. MWFS and TTSS are the subjects that also require four months. For law, auditing, and IDT only two months is enough. Totally eight subjects will be stretched to a period of 2.5 years before the CA final examination. The knowledge of GST is the core area for chartered accountants. This knowledge helps understand indirect tax papers. The customs compliances knowledge about SEIS, MEIS help in the CA final examination. Managing time-efficient plans makes the article ship training and CA final examination easy.


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